Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Who Am I?

Who Am I?

Now there is a question for the ages; who are we really?

Some believe that we come into this world as a clean slate and learn everything along the way while others think that information is transferred at a cellular or genetic level. Either way, we come into this world as a bundle of love and what happens next, shapes and molds us into what we see in the mirror today.

I learned at a young age that if I wanted something, I would have to work for it. My first stereo came out of my father's repair shop with the words "If you can fix it, you can have it", I'm sure that he regretted that on an acoustic level later (LP, cassette, 8 track radio with 3 foot speakers). What it taught me was to not be afraid to tear something apart, learn how it operates and troubleshoot a problem. I got the record player, radio and 8 track to work, the cassette would work but needed 'help'. Not bad for the age of around 10 years. I had a paper route from the same age and even bought a lawn tractor to mow lawns by 12 years old. I learned to drive in a 1 ton Chevy flatbed with a 4 speed manual delivering supplies to camps in the bush (I would sit on a bundle of newspapers).

It was in the Rockies which I spent many of my childhood years and I remember playing outside until dark without a parent in sight checking up on us. I remember being run over by a loaded 6 person toboggan while sledding down a mountain cut-line. I remember walking to the lake / river / stream with a tackle box, fishing rod and tin foil with butter inside. I would catch a fish, gut it, make a fire , cook it and eat it all before coming home after extinguishing the fire (still to 9-12 years old). I would ride even further to go see the horses we had and take care and ride them. Life was far more interesting outside than anything offered on the television or by staying at home with the adults. Heck, we even played with bear cubs until some old man projected his fears upon us and we internalized them because he told us that the mama bear would tear us apart (nice old man). If you know anything about black bears, it's that the mama never has her cubs too far away and keeps a close eye, if there is no danger to the cub, she is relaxed. Cubs play too you know and we were pals.

We had FREEDOM, and that freedom was from fear. The parents didn't fear us being taken or falling down and scraping our knees. Sure we came home with welts and bruises, sure there was blood, but the fear was not conditioned into us yet and we lived free in nature and community. We did not yet fear the 'Invisible Enemy' or each other.

Between 14 and 16, we had moved to Australia, finally some warmth. We lived in caravan parks along the way and lived in two cities: Darwin and Perth after making our way up the Gold Coast and climbing Ayres Rock. I went to private school and had many friends as I was the 'foreigner' with an accent, but really, it was they with the accent. Funny thing is that upon return to the Yukon (thanks for the 70 degree Celsius change), I was the one with the accent.

I grabbed attention and liked it as it fed my ego. I went to school, I didn't, I went, I didn't. Later I would DJ for over a decade (more ego) while learning computers and even working as a civilian contractor at a military base. Eventually I would awaken (as in from sleep) and have to know if there was more to life than the 'Quest for Cash' because this 'life' left me with disbelief. So off I went and volunteered in Africa for 2 years.

You can read more here -  and here.

After my return from Africa, I maneuvered through, trying to be more 'normal' (information technology, communications, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, military industrial complex, aviation), I realized it was never something to 'achieve' and that I missed that freedom from childhood. I saw the encroachment from our 'trusted' governments throughout my life and its continuation to the extreme today. All the while, learning to be more self sufficient and handy to avoid the experience of taking cash from one pocket to put it into mine. I began to question everything and realize the answers through observations before I began to find information. "Paying attention to detail" is what I learned early on and it has aided in accumulation of knowledge and skills along the way.

I am just a guy, sitting here, spilling my heart out hoping that someone reads it and comprehends what it is that I try to convey within these words as I go through the experience of comprehending myself. I have realized for longer than I care to admit, that I am just here to observe and to help if possible; help with what eludes me. As for a chronicle of what is to transpire, that is yet to be determined, but I know what I would do as a ruling psychopath (no witnesses). To watch the end of a 'civilization' is an interesting time indeed. I simply try to piece together how it is that we got here on an individual level.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still a jerk which has a low tolerance for stupidity and I will let you know of yours without stroking your childish ego, but at least I am honest.

So now, here I am, trapped like most, with nowhere to go really. I worry about what the 'rulers' have in store for us if the people's of this Earth do not realize that their acquiescence is killing us all. I have looked for 'communities' for over a decade in many countries but have not found anything which was sincere. Unity is crucial at this time.

So did you figure out Who I AM in this piece? If you did, let me know, I'd love to find out one day.


SpiritCalls.us said...

You are me about 25 years ago ...

SpiritCalls.us said...

I think that you either know by now or are very close to knowing ... first of course come the question as that is required in order to find the answer ... answers often followed by ever more questions and answers ... but when THE answer is finally realized, the questions are ever more but now on another level ... a level that seeks answers primarily most useful in teaching others ... the problem then being ... finding any who wish to be taught. IMnsHO and E so far.

BET (Basic Equation of Truth) (+=-)

Unknown said...

Eres una persona que busca dar lo mejor de sí y vives al máximo con un buen animo que pocas veo! Creo que quieres vivir Sin todos esos distractores modernos esa es mi humilde opinión.