Wednesday, September 14, 2022

It's About Being Better

In this whirled in which we live and, in many ways, helped to create and perpetuate forward, everything whizzes by so fast within the attention span of an average human, being less than that of a mouse. The 'news', scandals, technologies and 'crisis', seem to be 'quickening' towards a 'perfect storm' of cataclysmic consequences, with a crescendo of fear, division and obedience, spiraling us all into oblivion.

Between the memes and videos, the 'love-ins' and the 'haters' (gotta hear it like a valley girl), the 'true', the bad and the ugly, not to mention all of those adorable cat or baby videos; one comes away thinking that this is all by design, to not only feed the dopamine addiction, but also to keep folks forever distracted and in ambiguity. Feeding the short attention span until only 'new and improved' remains; after all, what could possibly be learned from something old and out of date (history)?

And if it is all about the 'what's happening now', not yesterday, then where is the time for reflection, learning from one's mistakes, Epiphanies, betterment of the self, to name a few? The outside pressures are heaped onto an already mundane life of chasing the one thing that you were convinced would bring you more LIFE; MONEY. Then one needs to 'relax' after  working for their 'life credits' all day, and the 'medium' of choice will usually cost you another credit or two above the ever increasing costs of 'comfort' (life) along with freely shaping your 'perspective'.
With so much 'occulted' history, 'secrets' and lies, what have we left but may, might and could which leaves one nowhere but trapped in ambiguity? We have collectively been bombarded over the years with these same words when they were used to induce fear and angst in the general population, possibly in order to achieve the goals of a predetermined and contextualized agenda. I'm sure you can think of a recent example of just such a tale, if not the numerous ones peppered throughout history. I can guess, deduce, whatever I wish to call it, with a high level of probability, that the 'owners' have been doing these sorts of things for a while now.

So we guess, speculate, opine and have 'educated theories' on many things but to question what we think we 'know' is taboo. And that is where we are, aren't we? Guessing our way through becoming 'intelligent'. Piecing together crumbs of 'information' which have appeared throughout history and the very landscape of human existence; but still guessing in the end as we wonder "who controls the knowledge?" and keep to the shadows.

I wrote the following in another article last year: 


"I realize that it is difficult to view one's self honestly. I know that the 'demons' inside are something which we would rather bury than face and release. But how long can we keep protecting the self which is programmed since before birth? How long can we keep hindering the real progression of self and therefore that of the human race? When will we realize that the things we think, may not truly be ours? That the reactions we have, may actually be expected by those which control perception? That even through our 'awakening', we may have been the 'useful idiot'?"

How smart do we have to be to figure out that we are not that smart and demand better of ourselves? And how much 'information' can one ingest before realizing that becoming better people is what the goal truly is?

People are trying to compete to be intelligent rather than growing into it naturally; the result of which can be seen within the divisions and growing anger of the times. Observations of social media, leads me to believe, that it was created, in part, to offer 'echo chambers' for the stupid. A 'validation' system to keep people retarded (if triggered look up definition) so they never develop the capacity to rise from their ignorance.

You have nothing to prove. You will not find an external savior. You will not expose an external foe. The only thing which you can influence and change is YOU but as I have mentioned before, that can only happen through honesty of self.

The only way out is to indeed find that happiness that you are allowed to pursue, so read something, build something, write, sing, compose, create, play, meet someone, hug, dance, drive somewhere, LOVE... everything; just LIVE life, before even that is forgotten. Deny the dictates of would be tyrants and UNITE instead of separating on endless levels and accepting a dehumanizing agenda such as 'the new normal'.

Remember what they took away from you; all of the activities which brought you solace and together, in a world, which seemingly takes endlessly. The list is long and you can best read it here, in the third article which I wrote since the beginning of this operation.

In the end it doesn't matter what 'they' do, it's what we do or don't, it's what we think or don't which matters. That is why they are trying so hard to control it all; our thoughts, movements, habits, all of it. And they know that it all begins with what we 'believe' in order to illicit our 'acceptance' of their goals.

Well I want to believe that we, as a species, have the fortitude to step out of the path which shall become more and more evident if we don't change course. That we can identify the real threat and unite rather than bicker ourselves to death. I want to believe that people are generally good and that they can overcome their programming. I know, I am deluding myself because for many, it is already too little too late.

It is most likely going to get a whole lot wilder in the next few years. Take it one day at a time, with an open heart and mind, and remember that:


The 'information' doesn't really matter - what matters is who we become.

Long live the Heirloom Human - protect them at all cost.