Monday, April 13, 2020

Are You Ready For The Vaccine Wars?

As I watch what is happening and ponder what led us here, that 500 million number still sits in the back of my mind, always reminding me that 'slavery' is the 'best outcome' in this plan for Global Domination.

The 'owners', no doubt, know exactly how many of us 'resistors' are around the world; we don't have a clue. We know of some here and there, we have 'friends' on social media, there are 'regulars' in chat rooms and followers to radio broadcasts but really, where are we now? Not uniting, not knowing of any 'Galt's Gultch' on the horizon where a resistance could be mounted from, most are still really just taking care of number one and in 'lockdown' with the rest of the world.

The Kakistocracy know that they control the belligerent masses and perhaps, they wanted us to have no doubts. The psychopaths control the narrative and know they can convince some to blame china, some blame the U.S., some believe it is a bio-weapon, some 'natural', some don't know if it is a virus at all; in fact it could be the hyping of a normal run of a 'flu' (which mutates every year).

Never forget that the entire definition of a virus comes from those which control education, medicine and communications (to name a few) in the first place. None of the speculation matters, all that matters is what people believe and the reactions of both the servants and the masters.

They knew they would not be able to go 'all the way' in one fell swoop; remember, there is still one nation which is armed at the individual level and which could present an obstacle to their plans. This is simply a step in a number of operations which we cannot even begin to comprehend, let alone 'prepare' for.

This could be used as yet another way to come for the guns and you for that matter. Letting the people 'help' in taking them from you and forcing you to get the miracle vaccine. For your safety of course, as the populace has been conditioned through the years to 'intervene' for people's own safety on numerous occasions. Be they alcoholics, drug addicts, hoarders or simply anything, people have been convinced into believing that they must 'help' such persons by forcing their 'proper' beliefs upon them. (Still saving savages?)

Over the years we have heard over and over the mention of 'civil war' and how we are at the 'edge' of it. The us vs. them mentality is ripe for a 'civil war' against those which dare defy the government and put others at 'risk'. Funny how just wanting to exist in a natural state is putting others at 'risk'.

What I put forward, is that the strategy is to inflate the resistance to the point where they are almost equal to the believers and also bring out the 'on-the-fencers' which may cause problems later. Remember, this is the last armed country in the world. And I don't believe that the 'goal' is dominance but really eradication (500 million).

Think about all of the polarizing information available at the moment (AI censors must be on lockdown) which is being allowed to remain on social media. Information from many doctors and other health professionals which are not on board with a mandatory vaccination agenda and question the current methods used for classifying, treating and testing; basically questioning the fear. They even have people signing do not resuscitate orders making them martyrs for the 'cause'.

Now think about it in a civil war scenario. Right now the majority of the population are 'believers' with pockets of 'resistance' and world domination needs to eliminate resistance. So, like other operations, some information is planned to 'come to light' after a while as not all the populace are as naive and obedient. Short of shutting down the Internet and creating still more questions, truth had to be used to the advantage to fish out those without conviction to the program.

Enter the Brownshirts

At the moment, people are going crazy on each other for doing simple, every day things such as walking or sunbathing because the motto is "Snitches get rewards". Now imagine the programmed animosity after almost 18 months (time to miracle vaccine) of propaganda telling you that every human needs to be vaccinated, that you cannot return to 'normal' (will they remember what that is?) unless everyone is on board and to 'socially distance' because everyone is a potential carrier. Or, simply put, fear, fear and more fear mixed thoroughly with division.

One can see the mentality of people when they see someone 'breaking' the rules of this socially accepted 'lockdown'. The madness and belligerence triggered through decades of manipulation such as the hype around measles and the un-vaccinated; an 'outbreak here and there and everywhere (it almost got Mickey Mouse for gosh sake). A thing to note is that many of the vaccine resistors in the U.S. are also those with the guns.

How easy, do you think, it would be to incite a 'civil war' then? They wanted the guns, now they will let us take them from each other and thin the herd at the same time. Don't forget, those freedom loving militia are a threat also; problem solved as they won't be fighting the real enemy.

Now think at the end, when the 'civil' war has been 'won' and now the rest of the countries which are not 'aboard' can easily be viewed with the 'carrier' mentality. Preemptive strikes to save humanity? Why not.

A so called leader's proclamations that "Things will not go back to normal until a vaccine is found" is simply one of WAR.

One which may begin in 18 months, for when the vaccine is released to the cheering public, the wars with the 'resistors' begin.

So, is anyone 'ready' for the Vaccine Wars?

  • One where most of the communication networks are digital and any communication which is digital can be intercepted.
  • One where 42,000 satellites are launched to blanket the earth in (what I believe) search and destroy mode for those survivalist types which think they can get away. Does anyone really KNOW what 5G is capable of?
  • One where the general population will help to hunt you down.

I have asked it before, I will ask it again: WHY? What is in those 'vaccines' which is so important NOW to inject into every human being? Why do they seem to NEED this NOW? I fear that it may be their END GAME.

Of course, like everything, there are many more questions to ask like:

What do the order followers think will happen to them at the end? Will they be needed for their 'skills'; their intelligence?

What levels of technology are the 'rulers' at compared to what we are allowed to play with?

And the all important, if a flu goes around the world and no one talks about it, no media cover any of the deaths, is it a pandemic? (and vice versa)

I only see one way out of this, we must DEFY en MASS all RULES! We must come TOGETHER and see our sociological SELF for what it is and DEMAND better without fear.

This is not intended to fear monger in any way, this is purely speculation on my part. But this is still a possible scenario for events yet to come. LOVE each other - The World NEEDS it more than ever. Come TOGETHER, it's the only way.

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