Tuesday, January 05, 2021


2020 sure proved that we are 'owned'.

You can 'argue' that fact until the cows come home and believe your 'off-grid' life will sustain past the planned obsolescence of the 'gear' which you have invested in (did you know that lithium batteries constantly drain and have an expected expiration?) but you may have to make a 'choice' as to how far you are willing to 'rough it'. We may indeed be thrown back to cave dwellers with no access to communications technologies.

We are owned by our dependencies, our gadgets, our televisions, our sugar addiction, our beliefs in politics, money, debts, career, status, education, papers, ignorance, ego, et al.

How does it make you feel to know that you have an 'owner'? 

Do you realize that the mask symbolizes your obedience and willingness to slavery, not your virtue? How long will it be until the 'mask diseases' (possible covid variant candidate?) start popping up and messing with people's 'herd immunity'?

Our level of acceptance is directly related to our proclivity to slavery.

What do you think is going through the 'owner's' minds as they plan our 'future'? I wonder which 'future' they have in mind 'for' us?

Where do you think this will go? As I have written about prior, this is but the preliminaries to what is in store for humanity. I'm projecting a downward spiral sort of direction which some may label as 'technocracy' or 'totalitarianism' and onward from there if the species doesn't snap out of it. What do you suppose a nice, manageable number of humans would be, five hundred million?  

How do you think this will 'end'? Do you believe that your governments will allow you the 'free' movement and association from the 'Time Before' once every human being on the planet (let that sink in a bit) is 'vaccinated? Are you, one day, expecting a return to 'normal'? 

Are you, perhaps, searching out the 'opportunities' this 'crisis' is generating to advance your own 'position' in 'life' and better 'position' yourself for the 'post covid era'? Buy my DVD (I think I just dated myself).

In this, 'peak stupidity' age, I have seen people get flustered at questions, which should be the basis of knowledge, and fly into a raging cycle of parroting what they heard on their televisions and attacking while never providing any 'evidence' for their claims; round and round defending their precious ego instead of simply letting their minds question. 

Why do you defend against QUESTIONS, or is it about changing your mind? Do you know that you are allowed to be wrong? Do you know that many learning opportunities can occur when one can face being wrong? 

Do you know that truth needs no defending? 

Question everything, even what you 'witness'.

Over the last year, I have witnessed the building of compliance through fear, and animosity towards those which are 'defiant'. Perhaps people simply want to drag others down to their level in hope that 'herd compliance' may be achieved and this nightmare can go away. 

In many of the places which I have visited, I have seen the economies which are dependent of tourism, build, in anticipation of a return to 'normal'. Even some have stated, a few months ago, that this will all be over in a few months. Forever grasping for that ring of hope which requires no 'negativity'.

I have heard many state that they will not be taking the 'vaccine' but are glad, just the same, that it has been released and wear the mask solely to appease others (as they step back during conversation). They don't want to believe the fears but will retain just a wee bit, just in case. Such people are not capable of going the distance and seeing this out the way it should be. They comply out of convenience and convince themselves otherwise.

Some, are the same people which claim awakedness, whilst informing you of all of the 'tales' which they have 'discovered' and stating things such as "...but I wouldn't want to catch it" and "We know this started with a bat in China". Sometimes I wonder which wabbit hole they are stuck spinning their wheels in? Often it is many.

Contrary to what you may believe, KNOWLEDGE, is not a competition. You don't have to have the most subs, be the first with 'information', know more than anyone else, provide your resume of conspiracies upon initiation of a conversation; what are you trying to 'prove' and to whom? 

Intelligence is accumulative and progressive, not a 'goal' to be 'obtained' or reached. Look around, I don't think that there will be trophies awarded at the 'end' of all of this. When I stop learning I am dead - period.

How many deceptions can be hidden within the oceans of 'information' we now swim in? How many wabbit holes, with seemingly no bottom, perhaps placed there for their amusement, must we trod through?

Is it about 'being remembered'? Do you believe that 'history' will show that you 'did your part'? Do you mean the 'history' which is sure to be written by the current 'owners' which would need a recollection of this why? If you have read the 'signs' as I have, you may have noticed a slight leaning towards being forgotten.  

We have failed as a species and put the very survival of ourselves, our children, our grandchildren, all those yet to be born and those of historical significance (apparently history rewrites itself in digital form), in great peril. We have allowed our 'comfort' to nullify our discernment and seem to rely heavily on external prodding based in emotional reactions. 

We have accepted a 'program' which has aided us in 'accepting' our 'position' in 'life'. It is time to shed that program. It is time to chip away at it piece by piece. It is time to see who we have allowed ourselves to be and be better. It is time for an honest look in the mirror.

Some have claimed that I make them 'feel' stupid. I am sorry for your state of mind but if I state information that you don't grasp and you 'feel' stupid, then that is all you. That feeling of stupidity comes from not being able to accept your ignorance and learn from that point forward; that is not me. One simply tried to convince me that I could learn from stupid people while being angry at me for something, the whole time.

When will people realize that the human race is not fighting each other nor for its 'freedom', for it lost that many moons ago, it is fighting for its very SURVIVAL.

You will have to be willing to 'lose it all' to come out of this one, are you ready? If not, there is little time to prepare, let alone bicker about what doesn't really matter and can not be 'proven' one way or the other. NOW is the time to get over yourself and become an intelligent and sane individual.

Stop being owned by your programming, break free and own your LIFE.  


Kathleen said...

Wow…well said. Now if I can share, without interruption, it would be perfecT. Thank you

Claude said...

Hey mister,

It's difficult to argue something I agree with. Still, for the sake of discussion, I will develop on certain of your statements that I see as being a bit disconnected from the "material" reality.

Let’s start with this one:
"Stop being owned by your programming, break free and own your LIFE"
Which I understand in your view.

But really, what is "programming", if not a set of "if-then-else" rules, learn from imitating our surrounding since our birth. Human mammal has a VERY weak instinct compared to other mammals. Bambi can walk within the hour of birth. In less than a year it has become autonomous.

The ability to speak a language comes from programming. Actually, human child suck in all information, therefore doing self-programming with whatever stimulate them. Their insatiable need to follow the footsteps of their closed ones.

Babies will become adults in accordance with their environment. They become Chinese’s, Americans, French... with each their own set of rules & values & beliefs.

"Programming" has the same propriety than a scar. It's there for the lifetime. The only possibility is to recognize it and build workaround with new programming. In actuality, it is mostly through dramatic/intense events that humans PUSH new programming in, calling it epiphany, revelation or new understanding.

I can "understand" (imagine) what it is to give birth, but only at an intellectual level, not as an experience, not at as a corporal experience.

ANY learning IS programming. Humans cannot function without programming.

Even meditation, spirituality requires learning and time to practice, time to gradually implement new programs.

Just learning a new language, as adults, is long process. We may memorize words, but only after a few years will one start to assimilate the essence of words in a new language. Programming takes time.

So yes, although I understand your statement, in the absolute it is a non-sense.

In order to break your chains, one need to, first, see the chains.

"Break free, & own your own life". Nice concept, ONLY a concept.
It's like changing a set of beliefs for another set... one still live in a belief system!

As you wrote about “people which claim amazedness", they only change one dogma for another.

"We have accepted a 'program' which has aided us in 'accepting' our 'position' in 'life'." as if it was a voluntary choice. I don't see it that way. We have integrated a "normality" just like we accepted the definition of "table", "chair" without questioning; we integrated concepts, information, behavioral patterns as part of life's definition. Unable to critic or debate, for a lack of references and life experience.


Thank you for your article.
Kind regards.

Claude said...

One more comment.

I'd like to put some perspective on "2020 sure proved that we are 'owned'."

As I re-read, that phrase kept bouncing in my head with a different image on every bounce.

It seems implicit, "we are owned"... by the powerful. Yes I understand... as well as how much it is conflicting with our desire to be free. But I'm not going to talk about the "awaken" minority, but the masses, as a society.

Let's face it, one of the pilar of our society id based on ownership. I own land, car, house. Our language transpires with ownership. We rarelly present our companion by her(his) name, we'll say "my wife, Julia.", therefore implicitly establishing boundaries. If we only say "I present you Julia", we'll eventually get a "Are you together?"
We mostly are not aware of it, but our language is filled with indicators that establish ownership, boundaries and "territories". And it does reflect the structure of society, community, familly.

But that's not all.

Children also belong to their parents. We are ready to fight for our children. We now do against the government that is trying to vax without the consenting parent.

But there is a contradiction... in reality that government has taken charge of the children long ago, with public school, with mandatory vaccines. Have you (anyone) looked at the "Recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule for ages 18 years or younger" emitted by the CDC in the USA??? Some 40 vaccines injected. (Hell, I'm 60, and I don't remember more than 4-5 vaccines in my life time.) Parents "give away" their children to the school, the TV, the internet... every day, and for the majority, this behavior is "normal".

Being owned is part of our culture. Obey our parents, the teacher, the nany, the bus driver, the "everything". But of course, parents are well intentionned, they want their children to behave "correctly", be educated, have a carreer, wife and children. And children will do their best to behave accordingly... And mayby in their forties, they'll realize that they never did what they really aspired to. (cliché, but realistic nonetheless)

We have learned all our life to obey & to conform to a constructed reality, to be owned by our boss, the bank, the law, the gov...

So how can we expect otherwise in 2020?

Societies have been "owned" for hundreds of years.

Am I making any sense??

And it's not about judging anyone nor any groups. But stating that we are owned is simply not enough (for me). We can't take a pill and be "fixed", one need to look further and recognize what kind of BS was done, to understand where it comes from.

thank you for the opportunity to expand on the subject.
kind regards