Saturday, May 02, 2020

Continuity of Government? - What Happened to Continuity of Humanity?

What kind of people will the children of crisis be? What sort of 'society' will remain after the 'waves' have settled?

It seems that in some parts of my country, they are making 'plans' to reopen the schools. For the youngsters, (5-8) they are planning on drawing squares around them where they must remain for most of the day (perhaps upgrading to some sort of 'cage' later); properly distanced and 'safe'. And parents seem to be fine with this and are even saying things like "Perhaps they will learn something". They will indeed learn something, but what?

I look at my daughter, which is almost 2, and I wonder what kind of person will she be. Will she be capable of being 'more human' than I am? Will she be 'allowed'? What kind of controls will she endure within a lifetime? I am 51 and have seen a lot of 'changes' occur which have slowly stripped us of our humanity while we trudged on and tried to 'get ahead' in something designed to keep us down. I have failed her in ensuring a 'future' for her to grow within. It is plain to see this as the control of humanity continues and its very existence is perhaps in question?

I also wonder about the other children of crisis across the globe and the other 'societies' which will be allowed to exist. Will it all be homogenized? For some, this 'new normal', will be yet another layer added to their already tortuous existence; places like Palestine and China come to mind immediately.

What kind of 'generation' awaits the 'future'? One where control of 'information' is vital to maintaining 'trust' in institutions which control every aspect of your life?  One which has been totally stripped of freedoms and will never have a reference point for it? Are they to be the parent less, after the 'ravage' of 'pandemic 2', 3, 4 and so on slowly eviscerates the 'experienced'? Are there going to be train loads of children left to the whims of the 'rulers' at the end to reestablish 'humanity' in their image?

Let us not forget the value of the trauma based mind control which we are all experiencing at the moment and admit that this is simply the 'beginning'. There will be many 'steps' of obedience to attain our 'new normal', which will cause trauma in a lot of people, especially the children. This trauma may not be immediately evident but it will be there and it will be propagated forward and used as a 'trigger' point for future conditioning.

Think of just this one example of the trauma which a child will endure during this 'Pandemic 1' phase:

Little Jimmy arrives home 15 minutes later than he had been told because he wanted to stay a little longer than just 20 minutes outside.
His mother screams "Where have you been, I've been worried sick?" "Quick, take your socks off."
Unsure that the darkening of the toes is simply caused by the new blue socks which Jimmy was wearing or the new 'covid toe' which is flying about, the mother is almost panic stricken. "You didn't go close to anyone did you?" she asks. "You didn't touch anyone, did you?" she shudders, as she looks him in the eye, not believing him even if he were to muster a response. "Let's go, to the bath." she states as she tugs him by the arm to the tub and prepares an earlier ritual of cleansing and purifying, she grabs the scrub brush and Purell as Jimmy begins to wail.

Do you think that is way too out there? I don't when you can witness supposedly grown adults cleansing their hands, in their car, before entering the store to cleanse yet again. And you can feel free to continue this little saga in your head and see where it goes. There are many 'scenarios' which will be enacted and which will directly affect the developing psyche of a child through this ordeal (operation).

What is wrong with parents that they don't ask the most basic of questions? Why are they are not asking: "What kind of 'people' will these children of crisis be in the end?"

Can you look at your child and think within your heart, that any of this is doing them any good? Can you honestly believe that they "may learn something" 'positive' out of any of this? Are you not willing to defend your children from the true enemy of humanity?

Has fear of an 'invisible enemy', clouded your judgment so much, or is the conditioning so complete that it was the 'natural' next step to effectuate an 'operation' of this scale and to 'sacrifice our children to the 'rulers' of this world?

I'm just going to start referring to others in the following when I meet them on the street:

"Hello my fellow filthy animals which carry disease so must be muzzled and wash their paws everywhere they go which is outside of their cage."

And of course - SMILE

WAKE UP NOW!! Before it's too late - there is still a chance, but it takes ALL of YOU. STOP buying the "Think of the children" PROPAGANDA and truly THINK OF THE CHILDREN!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was at Walmart the other day, with all the 6 foot lines taped on the floor and all shoppers lined up behind the lady who directed us like cattle into the stalls. I say to the guy in front of me "well, don't they have us trained well", he responds with, yea you know 20 years ago I used to fight the system and F* this and F* that... but now I just conform. He and his little boy waiting in a checkout line like broken animals waiting for the slaughter. I was smiling outside but crying inside.