Monday, July 06, 2020

Spacial Discernment

Sometimes people try to figure out how it is that I come to think the way that I do. They expect me to read off statistics, quote personages or provide 'official' documents in order to provide 'proof' of what it is that I may be trying to convey; which are usually questions, ponderancies and observations. They demand that I reveal my sources and proclaim that there must be a consensus of scientific agreement before even listening to any questioning of the proffered 'truth'. Nothing has amazed me more throughout my life than the effort made by individuals which actively block information from reaching their minds. It leaves me to picture the child which has their hands over their ears singing "Lalalalalalalalala".

This is not the way that my thoughts come to me, nor can I provide the 'proof' which some seem to crave with added zealotry. I am not a researcher, journalist nor 'professional' of any kind. I am what I am. I observe and listen, I absorb and learn, I have lived and experienced and I share my mind with whomever wishes to read it. I also seek to be honest in my expressions. Some call me a philosopher, others an idealist but I claim neither. I have heard a wide range of labels which people have used in attempts to 'classify' me into their restrained categories. The only thing that I know for sure is that I know nothing. This is a great place to start from, as it alleviates the pressures and shackles of what I thought I knew and believed; it releases me from singing "Lalalala".

Spatial Discernment is the only way that I can try to 'explain' my train of thought. So now, I find myself telling people that true discernment, is about being able to think through time and space.

Let me try to 'demystify' (or perhaps confound).

I believe that to truly 'think', one must be capable of picking things (information, sentiment, zeitgeist) through 'time': that which you have experienced, witnessed, heard of, viewed, read, etc., while going backwards and forwards and still remaining present without being enfettered by the running 'narrative'.

And 'space': which is that 'between' what you are recalling which has had time to 'ferment' and contextualize through the lenses of hindsight. 'Between the lines', so to speak, as the information comes together with age, coupled by newly discovered nuances which may have taken years to reveal.

It is not about the presented 'information' in the moment but rather about life experience and learning, fused together with observations and knowledge, which comes to you in the present from all your experiences while reading between the 'spaces' of one's own programming to ultimately meet the 'real' you.

It actually sounds a lot more difficult than it is. The difficult part is the honesty required to admit one's own ignorance in order to move forward and finally begin to learn; then it's all downhill from there but in a good way. One needs to be 'harsh' while avoiding the 'poor me' traps and actually place yourself outside to view your reactions objectively; some may even call this empathy but it goes beyond.

Once you see that you lack observation skills, you shall make an effort to be more observant, and eventually you will just be observant. The same goes with everything; if you lack consideration for others, admit it and move towards bettering yourself instead of defending your 'situation'. Once you have moved past these limiting factors in your programmed ego, then you can begin to discover the how and why of your 'existence'. It goes far beyond a simple 'Dumbing Down' and should leave you desiring more.

Humanity does not seem to realize, that the only reason that we 'choose' to live this way of 'life', is that no one has yet offered us a guaranteed, 'better' alternative. Why do we defer something subjective like 'better' to an external offer, rather than dream of what we, ourselves would rather live and create? Have we become so comfortable and apathetic within our illusions that to merely exist is a fair substitute for freely living?

It is so difficult to have a conversation which does not include 'Life Credits' on one level or another. When simply trying to imagine something more human in a discussion, the mind (self?) is often locked into a monetary way of thinking. "Who's going to pay for that?" "Are we going to trade chickens?", forever caught between the barricades of the mind. How is such a pervasive construct so powerful, that life itself seems intrinsically tied to it? How can a species advance if it can not even discuss matters beyond that 'box' which they themselves constructed? Get out of the Cave!

To do so, one would have to be honest and see that the true 'enemy' is not out there but rather within; there is no external 'entity' but mere suggestion. The enemies of humanity are apathy, acquiescence, fear, indignation, laziness; I will stop there for the list is long and disparaging, as there are a great many issues which must be worked on at an individual level before a 'society' can even be dreamed about, let alone formed. The spaces in the mind between the programming is where the honest conversation needs to take place.

And that is the 'twist' in our collective drama; that all must go through this self realization individually to 'save' the humans. All must desire to be better people than they are now, free of the programmed ego, or at least aware of its powerful 'control' on the moral self with a firm stride towards being better than 'normal'. And even twistier, is that it will take nothing short of an "Ah-Ha" moment to 'awaken' the aggregate 'in time'. So where is this magic moment? I can tell you that it will not be an external foe.

Sometimes I wonder if a 'mass awakening' is not just the ultimate external 'hero' and human spirit is the world's greatest Hopium. The 'Awakening', which has been glued in front of screens for the better part of two decades, has helped to keep people spinning their wheels trying to awaken others by focusing on external points of blame, rather than unifying into an example of 'how' to live better by becoming better individuals which come together to form a community example to follow.

And within this 'alternative' mindset, developed competition, bickering and division, yet it still managed to deliver important information and messages at times but perhaps that was simply dumb luck. Round and round, chasing TALES and forever feeding that sense of 'importance'.

"Who's on LIVE now?", "What's NEW and interesting?" and "I don't know who to TRUST anymore." - Does it at all sound familiar?

This is the stuff that obfuscates the 'spaces' I was talking about. You have to know yourself to trust yourself before you can trust anything outside. Fear of consequences from your master is not trust.

Spacial discernment is about trusting that you don't 'know' and would like to explore. It is about confiding in yourself before others because most of the time the ANSWER is within US.


Jwindwalker said...

Lovely Sylamo, u r true.
I also think, rather than worry that we or others r not thinking or doing things correctly, it is important to relax, smile, feel the sunshine on your face, let external things in general just be while shining yourself outward from within. The more tightly we are wound, the less free we allow ourselves to be. Shine on.

Maggie Z said...

I disagree with this article's claim that it's a waste of time to try to "awaken others", that instead one should ONLY focus on "becoming better individuals" themselves, and don't point out external foes or evils, or like the first commenter said: "let external things in general just be while shining yourself outward from within".

This world is a battleground between evil spirits and good spirits. All the happenings on the world stage is a result of that battle. The evil spirits occupy and take control of the minds and bodies of vulnerable human individuals. These individuals will not be working on "becoming better individuals" themselves, nor will the majority of human beings who have been kept in the dark and subject to propaganda all their lives.

Through spreading knowledge and information, more members of humanity can understand the lies that governments and the media have been feeding them, and the purpose of those lies, making it easier for them to recognize what's going on on this planet, and for them to start wanting to "becoming better individuals" to overcome the evil all around us. In fact it's due to the courageous work of individuals who spoke up and spread the truth about the plandemic, that so many people have awakened enough to seek to exit the system and seek freedom.

It suits the evil side to tell those awakened ones to just focus on working on themselves to become better and better, and let all external things just be. That will not stop the vaccine mandates or the wars for example, leaving these awakened ones to remain the minority, cornered by the evil forces that control the governments, while the rest of the populace remain apathetic and obedient.