Thursday, September 09, 2021

Crypto Monero Dance

 Crypto Monero Dance

So I told myself that I was going to play with crypto the other day and installed the Monero Wallet. Now I am an ignorant newbie at this but do have the advantage of an I.T. background. So I am trying to see what makes it tick, what gives that 'rush', what this crypto thing is all about. I did write a couple of articles mentioning cryptos and bitcoin here and here and I don't know if I want to elaborate more or simply just learn.

The funny thing is that I remember when Bitcoin first came out and even mined about half a coin at the time, but if you have read my thoughts over the years and specifically Life Credits, you know that nothing is about money for me (perhaps because everything else seems to be). I stopped mining because I could feel myself devoting attention to something which never sat right with me. 

Pulling myself up by my bootstraps so that I could play the game of chasing the almighty dollar to make ends meet and be successful was never my cup of tea. << Is that not that a fine gem :-) And really, although I know that it can be handy to have money, it will never be a priority for me nor something I will ever regret.

I didn't care then and don't now but would really like to see:

A) If anyone actually reads this blog of mind farts and has some spare 'change'.

2) If I can scrape together enough Monero to simply 'tinker' with my new wallet and learn some of this crypto stuff as I buy anything Elon Musk suggests.

WTH) If 'miracles' actually do happen.

So yeah, I've finally sold my soul over and am dancing with the devil :-)

I'm not going to harp on it, not going to place a donate button anywhere; this is the only place this wallet address will be mentioned (unless something magical happens) and linked. 

This is not a plea for donations. I just want to see what happens.

So if you like my stuff, feel free to do whatever to help me on this quest and if you hate my stuff: you can try to pay me to stop writing.

Thanking you in advance - yes, you know who you are.

I'm Just going to place this here and don't really know much else.

Monero address:


Pirate Chain address:


Update 13-09-21

I finally downloaded the blockchain and someone tipped me a something something - many thanks.

Also added the Pirate Chain address and figure I will go all out and get a Doge wallet as well :-) Fun stuff

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