Sunday, December 27, 2020

Temporary Existence

Ever get the feeling that there is more to everything which is happening than we realize?

Do you ponder as to how the greatest lie in human history will end? 

Do you ever realize the nature and totality of the lie which we call 'life'?

Are you aware of the temporary nature of our lives as we know them?

Have you thought about lost civilizations and their 'discovery' through coinage, texts, works of art, tools, etc; what most would call "artifacts"; the very essence of our 'history' and knowledge of who we are?

Ever wonder what the digitizing of our lives will lead to? Where the move to a digital currency will lead us? How the digitizing of texts and the multitude of online works (including mine) will fare in five hundred or even a thousand years? Do you see how our collective knowledge and facts can now easily be erased?

It would seem, that even the perception of facts can be temporary, as one young individual tried to convince me that 'facts' change over the years; little does he realize that if that were true, then they were never FACTS to begin with. 

What is 'truth' for the generations which seem to be gleefully leading us into the abyss? 

Don't believe for a second, that I am singling out any one generation, for the program has been ongoing for many, and I have met some in their 70's which adhere to a 'lifestyle' of reaction generated by fear or other emotion, based upon ignorance. 

Which begs the question: Do we actually learn how to learn or simply memorize and regurgitate 'factoids' which are neither useful nor, often times, correct while 'feeling' our way through life?

What do we 'learn' in a lifetime? 

Do we learn to see ourselves honestly in order to accept and evolve into better human beings? To view our flaws as not weaknesses but rather a platform from which to better ourselves from, without falling 'victim' to the 'negativity' it may seem to create within our programmed ego?  

One of the things which I have learned is to disconnect from the mainstream media, food, health, government and banking industries. It is amazing how good one can feel when one eats sensibly, drinks solely water or fresh squeezed fruit juices and simply walks about and explores rather than being shackled to a device which constantly demands your attention and controls your thoughts and emotions; you guessed it, no cell phone either. 

But don't think I don't know the sentiment though, having worked in I.T. for 2 decades at various levels. I also remember the sentiment felt as a young adult when I had a huge clunky cell phone (prior to the 'brick), as there were not many about; makes one feel sort of 'special'. As Kenny Rogers said: "Know when to walk away, know when to run".

Another lesson is how money (Life Credits) have taken grip of the collective belief of what human life is. I've said it before and I shall keep saying it: Life = Money in this temporary existence. 

And when you can come to grips with that and how each and every one of us is culpable in strengthening that belief through the course of our lives, then you can begin your journey through the realms of discovering the ME that never had a chance; buckle up, it's going to be a bumpy ride.

Perhaps that was the 'spark' which ignited my 'awakening' (single quotes used for sarcasm here). It never sat well with me having to participate in a system of which I wanted no part of; one seemingly based on getting money from one pocket into mine, somehow. 

I could see the increasing intrusion and wanton disregard for the phrase "public servant", which the lapdogs of the rich always claimed as they laid forth the pathways for the control of society (unbeknownst, of course) to this point; they were the 'grassroots' or 'front line' for the New World Order. They helped 'nudge' the sociological mindset of obedience through rewards and punishment based upon obedience and defiance (the media sure like to use the term "defiant") while telling us it is for our own 'good'.

I could not line up at the 'trough of hope' waiting for that 'trickle down', which was supposedly coming my way (what exactly is trickling down?). I could not labor till death awaiting my 'success'. I could not simply be ignorant and obedient to feel protected. I guess that makes me 'different' because I believe that we are capable of far better.

Why can't the 'many' see this?

The 'Digital Age' (aka, Age of Stupidity), has wrought havoc on the collective consciousness of the human species. It has rendered conversation into a 'Trivial Pursuit' parrot fest based in competition and the feeling of 'winning'. It leaves me dumbfounded to see people have so much access to information yet know so little (but can sure google it quickly) and swear instead, on feelings based in beliefs or rumor while arguing their 'point' to death ("this resonates with me"). 

The child mind will continually try to excuse and justify the inexcusable.

This is how an idea can be 'marketed' to the point of becoming a 'truth'. We used to laugh at the idea of the "Jedi Mind Trick" but it seems all too real these days and works all too well. 

Our 'masters' tell us: "Back to 'normal' once every human being is 'vaccinated'"; sounds more honest to say "once all are injected". And with what, exactly, is anyone's guess.

As for their choice in 'priorities' for this task: to inject firstly the health care workers and then the elderly.

What happens when you lose the 'front line workers'? You lose the knowledge gained through 'education' and experience on how to observe and diagnose symptoms along with 'medical' treatments for such. You lose the ability to 'patch' things up in a war or survival situation (we have been at war all of our lives without realizing it).

What happens when you lose the 'elderly'? You lose with them the history through stories of experiences. You lose knowledge which is passed from generation to generation. Knowledge such as natural remedies for ailments which may occur which have been passed through the years. Natural remedies which may be useful with what may be coming our way. You lose some which were not indoctrinated as fiercely as the more recent generations.

And the list goes on until all are injected.

Once again I ask: WHY? 

Why the need to induce vaccine madness within the psyche of the populace mind (all those decades of 'virus' mania)? Why the seeming 'urgency' in this occurring at this time (really pushed the measles angle lately)? Why the 'need' to inject every person with something they were not born with?

Here is what I think (no knowledge because I could not possibly know) is going on:

I believe we are being set up to be forgotten, erased, deleted, expelled from the annals of history. I believe that we have been 'lured' into a temporary existence in order to effectuate a 'Delete' on a mass scale. Things which don't last won't be remembered.

I believe that this is a plan which has been ongoing for centuries. That the attempt to kill off as many of the population as possible has been attempted before and that lessons were learned at each instance. 

I believe that this is do or die for the human race.

For those of a religious faith, ask yourself this: 

Is GOD a fool? 

Has God created me in 'his' image? If this is so, is God fragile and fearful as I am?

Do I believe that the very planet which births us is poorly planned and contains 'invisible enemies' which only the wit of MAN can save exposure of this folly through the invention of something to inject into himself to stave off those dastardly 'invisible enemy'? Did we misplace the instruction manual at one point?

I have written about it before and will continue to state the obvious:

The 'rulers' have no power without our collective belief. The power has always been with free, sane individuals living symbiotically. The programmed ego is not who any of us really are. Honesty of self is the only way out of the mess we have created ourselves and continue to do so. Belief is the antithesis of knowledge.

Take it as you wish but GET OVER YOURSELF and demand better at an individual level in order to effectuate a better world. 

You can't change the world but you can change yourself and watch it go full circle.  


Donni De-Ville said...

This was a good well thought out article, but sadly, the last comment, (which seems to be the only thing people can say) "We can only change ourselves," seems to be the only thing everyone can say, as there seems to be no way of defeating this evil regime....

Sure, we can change ourselves and hopefully we have all done the work as we have aged. We mellow out, understand that it is better to treat others as we like to be treated, etc.

But the main problem is the way justice has become injustice, Judges proving to be partial to the criminals... We stand up for ourselves and we get carted off to prison.

It is difficult to find any grown food that is not drenched in pesticides. Monsanto everywhere as it is not banned in the USA. GMO's are not labelled anymore, Aspartame is in nearly everything which is so dangerous for us.. High Fructose Syrup is horrendous for the body and is in almost everything, no matter how careful in reading labels as this substance is usually named differently or hidden.

The aggressive criminals let out of jail and are parading the streets... attacks are not dealt with by the courts... ex criminals and thugs are recruited into the police deliberately. Hence the robberies and innocent people all being harmed. Neighbours can tell lies on you, and police come without warrants, even 'swat teams,' to break down the door.. Sometimes ending in deaths.

The only way to stay safe is to stay home and hope your 'castle' won't be intruded upon. Travelling to places is dangerous, and not only due to wearing masks, but due to the brain-washed lefties and the paid-for troublemakers.

I liked the article, but the last comment was expected, which seems to be the only thing people can say; "We can only change ourselves."

But then, what happens? Well, we just continue with our loss of freedom, the censorship of speech, the higher rates of crime, and we get injected regularly, getting killed slowly, but we can feel better about it as we have changed ourselves for the better? I would say, be prepared to fight.. do not comply.. stay determined NOT to accept the 'new normal.' Expect a miracle to come from somewhere... it just might.

Anonymous said...

Danni De-Ville, you are SPOT ON!

Claude said...

Hello Mister,

(part 1)
Digitalized world, and "the very essence of our 'history' and knowledge of who we are?"

How can we pretend about having the very essence of our history?? We do not know what's missing. What if humans are an experiment made by aliens? How can anybody say it's impossible? In any case, that would change all of our perception. Whatever history, it will be partly based on interpretations, speculations, and biased scripture. Hell, recent history is constantly rewritten to match specific narratives, and erase unacceptable facts... how do we know that that is not what they have done in the far past??

Even worse, IMView, the majority of people have no knowledge of our "real" history of the last 200 years, even less understanding it. Because if they did, we would not be where we are now. Or would we?

So, really, how digitalization will alter anything?
But I do understand, and agree with, your point.

~~ Perception... facts... events...
I argue & agree... in the absolute, facts (as real events) don't change with time. But one could describe an event as a fact... in many cases our "fact" is mostly a perception... that will change with time, inevitably.

What is "truth"...? You're asking... Something humans have not yet the maturity to deal with!

~~ “flaws as not weaknesses but rather a platform from which to better ourselves" I've got a patent on that philosophy!!! (hehe) Reminds me of a book by Dan Millman (Your life's path, something like that). Numerology, in which he states that our "weaknesses" are there for us to learn.

~~ I've been in I.T. a few decades as well. And the question that arises in my mind is: As IT people (old timers), were we pragmatic to start with, or did we learn it in our daily confrontation with reality. While facing a practical problem, I never understood why "normal" people spend their time debating based on assumptions. My first and only "reaction" is enumerate a few hypothesis and check, one at a time. No talks, no debates.

~~ 'Life = Money'
Reminds me of a saying of Jacque Fresco, in one documentary, while talking about the 1939 crisis, he was questioning "How is it that people have no food, while all the infrastructures are still there to produce food" (not the exact quote, but the idea behind his question)

It does raise some questions. Why people are so fearsome to take over and run their own show. Richard Wolff is one fellow that talked a lot about Cooperative enterprises. With some real life examples.

~~ “It never sat well with me having to participate in a system of which I wanted no part of"
Wow... is it a question of age (experience)?? I suspect that we are in the same age bracket. I do think the same. That's one of the big reason I left. I do not want to support a system by me being in it.

(follow on part 2)

Claude said...

(Part 2)

~~ "Why can't the 'many' see this?"
- Why a child can't see many things??
- Why do we realize the value of "something" only when we lose it??

~~ "Age of Stupidity", reminds me of a documentary "The age of stupid (2009)". Interesting but, in my view, quite propagandized concerning climate change being caused mainly by humans.

~~ "but can sure google it quickly"
I wish people would take out of their vocabulary the word/verb "google" and use "web search" instead. As long as we "google", we support that platform. And there are so many others, and better ones.

Furthermore, if I want uncensored information, I have to search elsewhere.

~~ " 'front line workers', 'education', experience, history through stories of experiences."
I agree (in a perfect world), but very far from trusting it's entire validity. YES, Natural remedies, ancestral knowledge. NO, corrupted knowledge and history.

Would I trust a medical person that has accepted the vax? NO.

~~ "Is GOD a fool?"
hahaha... nice one. Who's that???

~~ "The 'rulers' have no power without our collective belief"
- I believe you. (!?!?!) :D
I'm convinced that you are not the only one recognizing it... just not enough, yet.

~~ I've listen to some alt-news... about 4-5 states in the US are starting big CO2 extractor projects. And considering that there are forces trying to terraform earth into something else. Actually, reverse-terraforming. Unimaginable, but what else can I think, while they are attempting to get rid of one of the life essential element CO2 ??? No CO2 = no life.

~~ Lower the population.

Vaccines, economics/food crisis... the sheeples might disappear, and only the awaken/active people will survive. Could that be one of the objectives?

~~ Great blog mister.