Saturday, December 31, 2022

 Desire Life

That's pretty much all it would take isn't it?

Here we are in the year 2023 (well, 3 hours from), and what have we got to show for it? Where are we in comparison to our forefathers? What have we really accomplished over the years to advance as individuals, let alone as a species? It seemed more to be a regression in what we may as well call 'The Dimming'.

As I approach the end of my fifty fourth year and the birth of another child, I ponder what accomplishment human kind has made which benefited all over the last century? I have asked that for many years of people which have come and gone throughout my life and no one could come up with a real answer. Crazy to think that we simply keep living a life which seems to really accomplish nothing yet keeps most too busy to reflect, let alone define or desire life.

Way back when, when I thought it was crazy to 'own' a piece of our world, let alone have to pay to be alive, I passed the years avoiding money and residing in moderate accommodations; couch surfing for many years, middle class homes and even some occasions at 'palatial' estates but I have never really understood the "my box is bigger than yours" mentality, nor wanted to be a part of it. How does the constant competition which divides the people on subtle levels come from a desire for life? Is life really better when those about you have less?

I figured I could not be the only one, and over the years have attempted many a conversation which usually led to circular arguments leading nowhere; as a matter of fact, they still continue to this day and I still wonder the same. It is like the mind is now programmed to intercept conversing by arguing mute points based on the feeling of words or implications and perceptions. What would happen if people actually listened to the whole of the thought before beginning to tear it down?

What I seem to have witnessed over the years is that people forgot how to desire life; perhaps because they accepted being told how to 'live' and think and love and... Life is about living and the freedom to do so, it is not about acquiescing to the confines, controls and limitations of a ruling class'; that is slavery, of the mind, body and soul.

I mean look around, does what is happening around the globe resemble anything which would come from a desire for life? Has the human race not been chasing it's own tail, so to speak, for centuries; and are these tales not of a controlling mind? War, profit, control and complete 'ownership' are some of the things which spring to my mind when I ponder the years and happenings of the world and they sure seem to lack a basis in the desire for life.

It bears asking again: Why do we condition our children to be better slaves instead of how to create something which has never even been imagined? Most seem to simply want their children to be 'better off' than they were, but what is that really, is it simply to work less hours for more pay? Where is the GROWTH in that? To teach the future generations to listen to authority and stay in line in order to climb their way to a proffered 'success' is not only madness but a crime against humanity for it simply assures that the species as a whole never achieves its full potential.

I will never believe that the human race is meant to live like this; in endless competition, forever separating as anything which catches that dollar, seems to be 'fair game' on one level or another depending upon one's morality. A life where the choices have already been made for you is not of any freedom whatsoever and does not come from a desire for life.

How can humanity advance if it is conditioned to stay within the artificial boundaries set by the few which claim it all; unable to truly think outside the box, for the box is within our very selves? We play all sorts of games and enact boatloads of drama within many of of our 'social' activities; fear, hope and beliefs play a large roll in forming our habits and behaviors. A huge production can be made out of anything these days as evidenced by the last decade and more. And behaviors can be 'nudged' into place for all sorts of 'operations'.

Oh how I tire of the general apathetic ignorance, spiced with arrogance and a 'sense' of intelligence which seems to drive our species in this age for I KNOW that we are capable of so much more; greatness is within all of us, it has simply been conditioned to hide. There are so many things to say, to mention, to research... to forget where it begins, within.

Once you figure out that it has all been a pack of lies from the beginning, then you begin to realize that it is what you believe, whom you trust, what you think you know which could all be a fabrication, a ruse, a game, to get you to where you are; some have begun to question but many won't ever break through their comfortably built egos. Fear and blame are the mainstays for these without a desire for life.

Life is not a fearful endeavor, when did that become a thing?

Life is about living and discovering, about loving all which is about you and respecting the creations of the universe while advancing to become better individuals which come together as communities to build futures one day at a time without even realizing it. It is about freeing the mind to live as intended, not as we were trained over generations. It is about asking questions and exploring answers. It is about a DESIRE for all which I have mentioned and so much more, so LIVE to your full potential and LOVE the realizations which break you FREE.

So there we are, my final thought for the year, so simple really, start with the basics and then see where that leads; begin at self.

Be strong in the new year for there may be many surprises ahead, but most of all:


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