Friday, January 14, 2022

I know you are but what am I


Remember way back to your childhood and someone would call you a name so you would reply back "I know you are but what am I" and repeat, repeat until anyone around would chorus it along with you, or is it just me? It goes along with "I'm rubber and you're glue" and "Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me". I've hinted at this concept over the years in my writings, you can check here and here.

I have seen a lot of this sort of childish behavior over the years, going all the way back to 2002. What with anti-(I just want to put a dot, dot, dot here) racists being racists, anti-fascists being fascists, the MSM providing the 'fact checking', free speech advocates condoning censorship, neighbors tattling on their neighbors, the raging belligerence which occurs where open discussion should reside, the bickering, the segregating, the gossip; it just goes on and on (hmm sounds familiar).

At what point do we ask ourselves: "Are these the actions of an adult"?

Do you think that the 'Karens' of this ordeal are acting, in any way, like adults? Of course that is but one example using a popular meme but to really get it, one has to see themselves and how they 'react' like a child at times (or often) and grow past such behavior. Most seem to take offense at what is demonstrably true, especially if they can relate it to something about themselves.

The way in which we consume is in large, childish. We 'want' what we see and many times, are presented; like a child; because all of those people lined up, for days at times, in order to receive the latest iteration of what they already own is adult, right? Don't assume anything specific when I say presented because there are many ways to 'present' an idea, or say, an agenda.

One of the best mind tricks out there is to have people believing in something so much that they think it is their idea. Another which works well, is to get them to believe that they have 'power' or 'control' in the actions which you desire.

If the last two years proved anything, it is how manipulable the human mind really is.

So as we begin the third year of "fifteen days to flatten the curve", the many still won't get it. They live life for "how I feel in the moment" which is emotional and reactive; retarded to the level of children with all of their inherent selfishness. Many are about to find out that life doesn't really care how you 'feel' in the moment.

What do we have but the extremists (because there is nothing more extreme than wanting to jab every human being on the planet with a mystery serum) calling those which research, question and refuse, extremists? As if that were not enough, they tell people to "not do their own research" like they are children needing protection from information. Sure, Santa is real and this is all very adult.

Have we not those which manipulate, lie and omit (working in unison) calling people which try to bring honest questions and verifiable facts to light, conspiracy theorists, disinformation / misinformation, domestic terrorists (to barely scratch the surface)? Because burying information in name calling rather than reflection and consideration is so very adult.

That is what one side is slinging with full force against those which are aware, at varying levels, of what is transpiring and where it may lead; playing "I know you are but what am I".

Now within those which are aware, there are many factions, which I first realized within this piece from 2017. Many have exited their country of birth and are forming communities within the borders of a foreign land. I foresee many differing communities such as smoking and not, vegan and not, married and not, families and not, crypto, barter, religious or not; the list is endless as tolerance and adaptability are things of the past.

How long before the 'ideals' within a 'community' are thought to be 'better' than those of the 'others'? After all, we do seem to be quite fond of trying to 'save' everything but ourselves.

As an example, we have had Vegans denouncing omnivores for years. All within a 'movement' which seems to simply spin round and round re-hashing information in an endless game of 'catch-up' and 'look at me'. You do realize that if people reflect honestly and remember who they really are, the food thing will all fall into place. And besides, how foolish it would be to believe in a 'one size fits all' kind of solution. Every one is different and therefore every path is different so I am sure that in the grand scheme of things, there is some wiggle room.

Things are going to get harsh in the next year for those which are the 'resistance', if only in their common desire to live biologically unmolested. The infighting and emotional reactions are not going to help anyone but the perpetrators of this heinous crime.

It is time to rise up and shed the programmed ego which holds most of us in perpetual childhood and grow up and become the strong individuals we were designed to be instead of fighting amongst ourselves. It is time to honestly reflect and see where we are to accept what must be done, even if that means hardship for you or your loved ones.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I have grown tired of these childish games. I am weary of fighting with loved ones which only desire to drag me down to their level. I am ready to build something forward for others to follow. I am ready for the next stage of evolution and I don't believe that it will include safeguards against bad words or safe spaces to retreat to.

We will have to fight to keep our humanity, are you ready? All it takes is the desire to truly LIVE; how frightening yet the most exciting journey one can embark on.

YOU are who humanity has been waiting for. That is my "I know you are but what am I".

Saturday, January 01, 2022

Two Years In

So here we are, nigh on two years since all of this began, depending on your geographical location. A lot has happened over the past two years and a great many control mechanisms and divisive tactics have been enacted against the human population of this world. Where it ends, is anyone's guess but I'm willing to bet that it won't be what we think or to our liking.

Over the course of this global operation (and for decades before), we have seen an attack on thought, logic, common sense, morals, history, science and the very definition of what it is to be human. We have been hypnotized by the media, the medical establishment (which long ago lost its soul and subjected itself to 'protocol') and coerced and threatened by our very own governments as they hurl their monopoly on violence towards the very people they claim to 'protect' and 'serve'.

At which point does one have that "Whoa, that's not right" moment and begin to realize to what point we have all enabled this moment of now? Part of finding freedom is to release one's self of the habit of being governed. It appears to me, that a lot of the 'governing' was brought upon with our acceptance in one form or another. There are unfathomable control mechanisms,  trigger points, reaction manipulations in play which have been formulated over generations and perhaps millennia.

​Looking back, I knew we were in trouble when winning at Trivial Pursuit, was considered a sign of intelligence.

I also remember the time of the US Robotics Palm Pilot (first fondle slab) and the 'desire' which it created when people would see you use one; the rush of believing that you were in an 'exclusive' club. Even at that time, people could be heard saying things such as: "I couldn't live without my Palm Pilot". Then came the 'full color' Compaq iPaq and the Nokia Communicator... Oh those were the days when it was cool to have a smaller phone; until it wasn't, until it was again... in a repeating cycle of "look at me and my gadget".

Look at me; me, me, me; I this and i that; e this and e that; smart this and smart that; intelligent devices to replace my own. I figure we are the 'perfectly programmed ego' and remain at the level of children. The thing about children, is that an automatic defense system engages to prevent any true self reflection which would allow them to learn and grow and rather fight to defend their stance, even when wrong.

“So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

And the weakest of all are people's minds after generations of conditioning in preparation for this moment. The formation of a mindset to initiate a cult-like fervor within a controlled narrative is astonishing to witness. Trigger me this, trigger me that - boom goes logic, right out the window. A species of followers which react through fear based in ignorance.

Right now, it seems, many of the cult zealots are being 'prepared'. We have seen people accosted all over and in every sort of situation. We have witnessed masked versus unmasked street brawls and police brutality brought down on children and the elderly (the most vulnerable?). We have seen women dragged out of supermarkets, people thrown violently to the ground from behind and much, much more; the depravity of the human race is definitely showing its 'teeth'.

Now IMAGINE what those zombies (because that is what we are programmed to view them as), are going to be capable of after another year or two of this sort of treatment and barefaced indoctrination of hatred towards the only people which are trying to save them and perhaps the human race. For make no mistake, this is the final battle for all of humanity, even if you can't 'believe' it, this is for all the marbles. The vaxxed versus the non fighting it out while believing that they are on the 'right' side is an 'owner's' wet dream; is that what we want to give them?

I would be remiss to leave out the zealotry of the 'climate' activists, BLM and the like or perhaps you fly under a rainbow flag, red versus blue, etc. for it is all  the same program. So how far are the masses really 'gone' then? Confusion induces fear and fear elicits reactions and I have not witnessed much more than that over the years.

How many decades (centuries) of awakening has it been? What with Watts, Krishnamurti, Laboitte, et. al. where are we right now? How many are 'awakening' and how many are merely reacting according to a glitch in their 'program'? Where are people gathering or is there no 'Galt's Gulch' to hope for? "If you build it, they will come" but even the strong Individual will need community to survive what may be coming around the corner of this 'introductory / distraction' phase of this operation. How prepared are you to step out of your comfort zone and question into the depths where most don't want venture; into the very definition of 'self'?

If people are going to snap out of it and finally realize that this is no way to live, be sure that the 'owners' have contingency plans which would not be surprising if they included open conflict with other nations in order to divert attention and induce more fear and panic - not to mention Inscription based on patriotism.

When will the human population tire of living a lie? I have said for year to folks "If you tell a lie long enough, it becomes a truth.", only to have them scoff and resist even the thought of such a notion.

Isa Blagden (1869): 
If a lie is only printed often enough, it becomes a quasi-truth, and if such a truth is repeated often enough, it becomes an article of belief, a dogma, and men will die for it.

Not only did we raise generations solely to become better slaves to the system and reap its rewards but now, most actively, they side with those which will kill them all in the end. They believe and even worst - want to believe - that everything is happening for their 'benefit'. They are confused by the messages they receive but remain 'loyal' to their messengers of safety.

How can one believe that there is any logic in the following scenario?

You walk into the restaurant and wear a mask, sit at magic table remove your mask, go pee, wear mask, sit at magic table, no mask - hell I'm strapping a table to my back and calling it settled.

Human life is about a discovery of self and an evolution of community while being capable of laughing at our mistakes. How are we doing with that seemingly simple task so far?

It is about growing and overcoming our limitations to evolve into better human beings. It seems that for some, these 'limitations' have been misinterpreted to mean physical instead of those which we place upon ourselves which hold us in place; augmentation is not evolution and the only way forward is through the destruction of the programmed self and the discovery of the sane and informed (I)ndividual which comes together to form the basis of what community should be.

Where this goes is all up to you and everyone else. Simply disengaging from the system in all forms would bring all of this to a halt. Simply admitting that you may have been fooled along the way can propel you into the discovery of self which first requires honesty.

Don't let it end the way that they want it to, rewrite the story beginning with the chapter of you.