Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Know Thyself, Know Thine Enemy

What a time: to watch the peoples of this world bicker and divide themselves as the 'social' constructs of this existence are torn apart piece by piece and the very survival of humanity lies in the balance. To witness, as I foresee, the extermination of the human race through the leverage of ignorance; death by narrative in the Age of Stupidity.

I always knew that I feared the masses far more than the so called 'rulers' of this realm. I could see, throughout the years, their animosity, their disdain for each other, their lack of trust all growing; the evisceration of courtesy, consideration and common sense along with the destruction of basic human communication and interaction to achieve the perfectly programmed ego.

In The Art of War, Sun Tzu stated:

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

So what would the first question be then?

Who is the enemy? Or Who am I?

Which would you consider of greater importance?

Another question would be: how can we know ourselves when we are immersed, since birth, in lies? Who then, does that make me? How many have hitherto posed the proper questions which would inevitably lead to a realization of culpability followed by "I can change that" clarity? Who actually knows what I am talking about?

Instead, watching people seeking the 'truth' for so many years, has been like watching a group of children arguing about who is driving the steamroller or what color it is or what it is made of while the steamroller keeps coming at them and they never move out of its way.

The story is simple, keep all too busy to think and too worried to venture out too far. Keep them entertained with idols to love while giving them enemies to loath and projecting divisions to create animosity while ensuring separation. The hook, which has us all playing the game on one level or another in a 'competitive' fashion, is money and we bit and just keep hanging onto that very old line. And what is money but an invention, created to measure value of labor, or as I have termed it, Life Credits created by the psychopaths in charge.

So the only thing which lets any and all of the 'bad' stuff happen in the world, is wrought from our belief in the importance and 'power' of money and our apathetic justifications and excuses which, in essence, may not even be our own. How mind blowing.

It's sort of a schizophrenic awaking all over the world; scattered and perhaps anticipated to be ineffective within its endless competition to be the 'one'. Oh Neo, wherefore art thou?

So while the 'details' are still being discussed, everything the evil rulers of this realm wanted seems to be falling into place as the majority (by a huge margin) REACT to the change in narrative which has a grip on the overall behavior of their well conditioned minds. Even the 'awake' seem to follow a 'line' and there are many of those to keep one infotained and concentrating energies on a 'bad guy'.

So who are the real enemy then? Is it the minority of the human population which dictates from the shadows in almost inhuman fashion and garner their 'power' through the belief of the masses? Or is it the child-like masses, with their incessant need for protection and conformity? Those which would punish others for not suffering as they do. Those which may very well be past 'saving', as they have voluntarily sacrificed themselves at the alter of belief.

Is it just me, or are a great many 'conspiracy theories' becoming fact these days? How do those fact checkers keep up with their retractions? Remember when the mandating of the injection of an experimental medical counter-measure was thought of as absurd? As far as absurd goes, that has pretty well become part of this lovely new normal. 

Truth = Lies, Lies = Truth, Slavery = Freedom; all of these are being implanted into the current generations until eventually it is: WTF is freedom?

It is almost comical that the human race is caught within the tale of a virus which is not a virus, verified by science which is not science, detected by a test which is not a test and resolved by a vaccine which is not a vaccine which, in itself is mandated but not really mandated?

This is not the first time that 'science' has been used to implant an idea now has it? One could look at the whole 'climate change' debacle and see that whilst the climate is seemingly changing, there are too many unmentioned forces which may actually link everything to a cyclical event for which the majority is woefully unprepared, which are not even factored into the conclusion of the 'human bad' 'carbon bad' narrative.

Currently, within the 'New Normal', we have witnessed the evisceration of knowledge through censorship at levels never before witnessed in our lifetimes along with the vilification of professionals, experts and authority figures alike. The redefining of words to better fit the narrative and the memory-holing of present past and future through media and 'authority'; Mandela Effect?

'Attack the messenger' is all part of the 'new normal' and it is a solid program within the pliable mind. The believers are cult like and getting angrier by the day at the others which refuse to simply believe in 'the science'. "My jab won't work unless you get yours!" they scream as I wonder why they allowed something defective into their bodies; but keep trusting 'the science'.

The task of escape is simplistic and monumental at the same time for it calls for unity of sane and intelligent individuals. Not the kind which is superficial but rather that of standing with your fellow man and dropping the bickering and ego defenses to actually see that you have a part to play in our slavery and that you also have a part to play in our release into freedom; maintaining a stance of love, not fear. How, one might ask? It is simple, just STOP.

Stop believing that there is any worth 'saving' of anything that you may have deemed dear which is derived from the 'system' which we have created and endorsed. And start believing that there is a high probability that you were born into a clandestine war against the entire human race and the only way out is for you to step out and step up.

What we had to do was build community and trust amongst ourselves. We had to come together as informed and considerate individuals. We had to disconnect from our former selves in order to truly create something better and 'lead' others into a better way. When we can come to terms with our failure, then we can move forward but it can never succeed alone.

"Divided we fall" should be etched into our minds as we venture through the trials of 'awaking' out of ourselves and into the power which we must all reclaim. And reclaim it we must as the alternative has no future for the heirloom human being.

So what is this mind dump about anyways (it seems sort of all over the place)?

It is about finding yourself before you try to 'change' the world. It is about taking responsibility for your security which includes your education and discernment. It is about coming out of this multigenerationally programmed funk which the species has been held under and finding our mojo to vanquish these has been psychopaths in charge. It is about questioning everything.

It is about knowing thyself as the first step to knowing thine enemy and eventually winning this war into which we were born. The power is within all of us, we just have to dig through and release it from the bondage of the programmed self.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nicely written and excellent sentiment. Thanks for sharing, and all the best in your own personal search and efforts. :)