Friday, December 01, 2017

Fighting Back With A Robot Contract

I got into a 'contract' with a robot caller today.

So, yesterday, I was receiving calls from a telemarketing robocall system which makes one wait in a queue in order to be sold something - this was a newspaper subscription.

I called the CEO of the newspaper and left a message to have it stopped because I have learned over the years that you call the top and stuff gets taken care of. I left a message and was called back by a lady which had assured me that she would take care of it and have me removed from their LIST.

That evening (evening calls are RUDE) the robot calls back; OK, give them the benefit of the doubt. This morning the robot calls again; now I'm pissed.

So I call back the contact which had called me back and left her a message that the calls stop NOW or they are entering into a CONTRACT with me which will cost them $500 per robocall and that I will keep track and that I will invoice them and pursue to collect - They want corporate contracts - that's mine to them. I also called the president/CEO and explained the terms of the contract to her. - I was immediately called back by the contact.

The contact calls me back and assures me that they are desperately trying to kill the robocalls. I explained to her that the terms of the contract had not changed - she did not make a challenge the 'contract' at all, she just assured me that she is working NOW to STOP the calls.

She called again to confirm that she contacted their contractor which makes the calls and that my number had been REMOVED from the list. I told her that in good faith, I would waive my fee for one more free call in case the computer needs a reboot. She thanked me and told me I was kind and assured me that this would be settled.

At 15:48, I received a call from the robocall system which used their free call and also 'accepted the terms of my contract so I called my contact and informed her that the free call was used and that the contract was accepted in a message; she called back immediately. I informed her that the contract had been accepted and that all calls hence forth shall be invoiced at $500 per call.

The next call I received was from the company which usually hides in the background and actually makes the calls. She assured me that they are working on the issue and that they are confused because my number had been removed from all their 'lists'. She told me that they will make sure that there is no longer an inconvenience to me. I explained to her that it was no longer an 'inconvenience' as I am now in a contract and will invoice all future calls.

I asked her for her details such as name of company, their phone number and her name to which she seemed nervous but knew that she had to provide; I told her that it was for my records.

Perhaps they will rethink their algorithm as they don't seem to have incorporated an 'off' switch very effectively.

I will see what happens from this point on but HERE'S THE POINT:





What I did was nothing more than what a lawyer does: sets the TERMS of his CONTRACT for you to call and you ACCEPT when you do.



Unknown said...

I love it!!

freefall said...

Watch out that they don't send Robocop after you. Keep writing!


ralphe said...

Power to you man, also loved our chat on discord Vinny Eastwood show, let's do that again sometime,