Saturday, February 18, 2017

If Stupidity Were Painful

What Kind of World Would This Be If Stupidity Were Painful?

Firstly, let me define the pain depending on the possible global consequences of said stupidity:

Low: A bee sting - which will be for the minor stupid moments which everyone goes through in their lives.

Medium: That pain you get when a muscle knot forms under the shoulder blade which leaves you barely capable of moving one side of your upper body while feeling the pain shooting and throbbing right down to the tips of your fingers for days - yeah that one - will be for the medium sized stupid moments which say, keep us from advancing as a species.

Extreme: Giving birth for 30 days (and not the 'breathe hun' type) - which is reserved for the serious offences which could, say, wipe out life.

As you can see they are all pretty painful and for the sake of imagination, there are no allergies in this scenario so none of them will induce death although at the extreme level, they may wish for it.

Second, who shall define such stupidity and it's levels?:

- For the sake of this article, I will be judge, jury and executioner (Grin).

- For the sake of your imagination, you can say the universe, god, karma; whatever floats your boat.

Let's start with some examples which would fall under the bee sting category of stupidity:

- Cognitive Dissonance - I think it is fair to say that if everyone which experiences this felt a bee sting every time, that things would be drastically different. I can probably assume that the 'Truther' or "Awake' community are cheering at this moment but don't be so quick for I believe everyone, not excluding myself, would be affected by this pain and that it would rather be a difference of frequency (and not the wave type) between the people.

- You know when you just respond out of IGNORANCE because you felt that you needed to say something - ouch.

- You know when you are listening to someone and then have a need to say something so instead of listening you are just waiting your turn - yeah, LISTENING is an intricate part of conversation and LEARNING, so buzzzzz.

- You know when you defend your ignorance instead of embracing it and opening the door to actually learning something - oooh that stings.

- You know when you ignore, denigrate, ridicule... information or a messenger simply because you don't understand it or grasp its concept. - just a little prick :-)

So the minor things are things which we all need to work on individually and really have no real affect on everything else; or does it? I think that this affects every part of human sociological behavior and what is mentioned above keeps us as a species from really moving forward bringing us to our current zeitgeist. But what do I know?

OK, on to the second pain which shall simply be called 'That Knot':

- Electric car developed before internal combustion yet more 'development' has been spent over 100+ years for the latter which in turn has fed the oil industry which in turn fed the auto industry which in turn ripped out the electric trams and replaced them with buss' which ripped out rail lines and stopped service to rural areas which... I think you get the point; that whole stupid idea and NOW they want electric? Now don't get lost in who fed who above because for this exercise, it is not important. That Knot

- So you manufacture a really good product which last years and people are really happy with so you decide instead to cut down on the quality so that people will buy more often (planned obsolescence) or you simply force out other competitors using economic and legal means or you withhold technologies (patents) in order to release it gradually for more profit... Again, pretty obvious and I didn't even go into the wasted resources part of this - don't worry it only hurts all the time for a few days.

- After years and years of doing the exact same thing you continue to do it anyways - VOTE. What is it that you expect? That some benevolent billionaire will swoop down and save everyone from the evil trillion-airs? Have you not learned from anything in the past or is it simply that you can not IMAGINE another option? Does it not all seem to be the SAME to anyone else? There are little trimmings here and garland there but it is the same. Are we that indoctrinated by our masters that we actually believe that one of them will SAVE us? YOU DON'T NEED A LEADER - LEAD YOURSELF - sorry but that pain will go away soon (week max).

- You're a corporation which likes to engage in secret negotiations for trade deals with governments and write clauses which would enable you to sue said governments for infringing on you PROFITS while they try to protect their citizens or the environment. So much wrong there but I do believe that both parties deserve That Knot (maybe too lenient).

Alright, so there are four examples (among many) which I can see is all about control and profit and commonly could be stopped by simply going through the bee stings and then stopping your participation in their game of control and profit - do you really need to pay for your own brainwashing and 'up-size' every time the screen gets bigger (that sounds like a Bee Sting moment)?

Don't worry, I've saved all the favorites for last; where the really big hurt happens. Now, I am not sure on whether to just include everything in one big, convoluted paragraph or by point but since Pain and Suffering sells I will do point by point for readership - ouch (that little joke was worth the pain).

- So you're a weapons manufacturer which knows that war is profitable but need to end a long, drawn out war. You call some scientist together and develop the atom bomb (not Einsteins shining moment). Over the years weapons development, wars, militarization of police, surveillance, et. al. can all be attributed to the M.I.C. (I always want to continue: K.E.Y. M.O.U.S.E.) and now called 'Deep State'. You lobby, you threaten and you may even assassinate to get your way. All this hype about HATE speech yet look around at all our great killing machines - now that inspires hate. Build toys of war; this is going to hurt.

- You are Main Stream Media and you have the power to control what people think and talk about, what to fear, what to strive for, whom to worship, whom to hate, what to read,... and truly EDUCATE; but you don't do the last one, do you? You are a mouthpiece for those which deem themselves the CONTROLLERS, the propaganda arm for corrupt governments (is there another kind?) and whores to big business across the globe. 30 days of hard labor.

- You are a BANKSTER cartel which for centuries has controlled money on this planet and even profits from financing both sides of wars; you are notorious for profiting at the suffering of others. You have succeeded in convincing the inhabitants of this world that MONEY=LIFE over the years and use your control and power, which is solely attained through the general acceptance of the VALUE of your MONEY, for your quest, which some believe, of WORLD DOMINATION. Now, I know a lot of you believe that their punishment should be DEATH but stooping to their level solely makes us the same savages that they are; 'An Eye For An Eye' has to stop somewhere before we all go blind. And if that isn't convincing enough, just ask a lady how painful 30 days of childbirth would be.

Now, with all those examples, try to IMAGINE what the world would be like if Stupidity were painful. Would these things have even manifested? If not, why do we keep MANIFESTING them today?

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