Friday, September 29, 2017

My Thoughts On Competition Based Life

When you just won't 'go along to get along'.

You do realize that that is the problem; most are going along to get along.

They have their lives, jobs, homes, families and really just want to 'make the best of it'; they never 'rock the boat' for fear that they may be aboard when it sinks.

What is this 'boat'? This system which most hold in awe and revere its 'achievements' and 'longevity'. It has carried through where others have failed, it would seem, through their rhetoric. They bring out examples of other 'systems' failing in the past and how they were 'domineering' and 'fascist' but yet I can't help but place those same descriptors to the current paradigm. Some try to excuse that by trying to convince me that they are just 'aspects' of those other 'systems' which are creeping in and distorting the true vision of 'capitalism'.

I've peered down a great many 'rabbit holes' over the years but I never go 'all in'; I am the one which people consider dangerous because I won't say much and simply listen or say everything (seemingly) in one breath and keep a fairly fluid understanding of the events taking place. With that said, this is not an article 'bashing capitalism' per say but rather an observation of experiences and knowledge acquired within what I have experienced.

What gets me is how people seem to want to chance going to a 'pure form' of this with aspirations (or delusions) that we will not eventually end up at exactly this same spot (only techier - too late) who's opinions are usually driven by programmed fears of those other 'dastardly' systems - the great battle of the isms in the battle for the minds.

What I have seen in my 48 years in this body, are the many great and wondrous things which this 'system', which many covet, creates. The first one which stick out for me is 'Competition' which in some instances can be a good thing but to base human life upon it and justify it away with a simple 'law of nature' excuse is simply beyond comprehension.

"Well, competition drives innovation, without it you wouldn't even have that computer." I've heard people claim. Really? Like this computer which has a chip which is manufactured on the same line as faster chips but speeds are incrementally marketed to increase desire and a craving for the next 'best' thing. Create 'spending' rather than a 'quality' product then moving forward with 'real' innovations like those reserved for 'weapons research'; that kind of 'innovation'? The Henry Ford type of innovation called 'planned obsolescence'?

It's all about your 'safety' folks when you can buy this car which brakes just fine but for more money, it can brake 'better'. Wouldn't want to make all cars brake better now, that would be too 'socialist' (I laugh as I write that). They are 'up-selling' you 'safety' instead of making a great product. This is simply one example of countless which our 'growth' economy provides within this model.

We compete for attention and to be recognized; to be 'better than others' through more things, better grades, more praise, more friends, more technology, more automation, more control, more punishment, more more more; we are addicted to MORE. At what point does having more than enough change your 'perception' of that 'drive'. (context)

In the LIFE model of this 'competition' there is always a LOSER; measuring in real life sufferings like lack of food because something outside of their control changed their 'environment'.

This has also brought with it many other beautiful human adventures such as:

Scarcity - which limits equal access to whatever is needed for life due to built in 'constraints'. Ever notice how there is never enough money to help people but plenty of money (and ways) to kill or control them?

Envy - people say that there is money for immigrants and they they are paying for it. Now there is a perfect manipulation scheme if I ever saw one - Divide and Conquer and there are so many level possible.

Desires - constant streams of useless trinkets which break quickly enough to to be tossed aside by a short attention span demanding MORE.

Fear - derived from control and 'scarcity'. Riddle me this: Should people be 'afraid' of their governments? Now if you believe you are not, tell yourself that the next time you see the 'flashing reds' in the rear view mirror.

Division - Divide and Conquer: Where to start? The workers and the bosses, the rich and the poor, those with purchasing power and those without, those with political control and those without, the 'formally' educated and the 'self' educated, the differences of skin tone, language, culture, beliefs, families, communities, nations and the list goes on and on like an Energizer bunny.

Those unfortunates which must purchase the 'knock-off' rather than the more 'prestigious' original will, undoubtedly, suffer irreparable damage to their self worth.

Creating authority through the control of information and hoarding of monetary wealth (life credits). Indoctrinating them young to believe that those with a uniform, at the 'head' of the class, in a government office, wearing a fluorescent vest is 'in charge' and that this is the only way it could and should be.

Debt - I heard a lot about this one over the years. How it's inherent in every dollar created and how it grows and grows without bounds. To WHOM does this incredible world debt need to be repaid to? And as a note, there is not enough MONEY in existence to repay said debt....hmmm. A GAME perhaps? Someone's winning HUGE.

The 'Good' stuff?

Efficiency - With robot factories building cars, appliances and many other items to software driven tax returns to driver less cars and ... the list will continue to grow and people are going to be 'automated' out of work. In its efficiency it obsoletes peoples ability to earn a wage to get ahead and rather accentuates money making money; taking labor out of the equation. This also cuts peoples ability to 'consume' which 'slows' the economy (which is what exactly? oh yeah, a THEORY).

Markets - Markets are good right? Spreading that 'wealth' around; all those 'goods' bringing joy to the world but in creating markets throughout the world it also destroys already established local markets and entrepreneurs.

Secrets - Copyrights and Patents 'protecting' the 'rights' of the 'creator' of 'content' brings us to a society of SECRETS which in turn can only happen as a society of LIARS. Instead of passing knowledge forward generation after generation, only select few shall have all available knowledge and others must pay for just enough to get by. "Thou shalt not eat from the tree of wisdom" - HA

Advertising - Ok, nothing good about this one but could not be left out since the advertisers of today know more about their clients than the clients themselves.

Security - There to 'protect' everyone right? That's why the cops are militarizing, the insignificant ministries are arming, the government has munitions coming out the wazoo, the FEMA camps were built, the TSA exists, the smart meters are needed, 5G is a good thing, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera  - To PROTECT US.

It brought the film classic - The Gods Must Be Crazy and it's intended STAR.

Chew on that if you wish as this is just what I think.

LIFE doesn't have to be at the EXPENSE of others.

You can't fix stuff using the same mentality which broke it - Albert Einstein (poetic license)

Monday, September 18, 2017

What's Your Hook?

What's Your Hook?

It seems difficult for many to 'think outside the box', to imagine something which is outside of their scope of knowledge and understanding of what they have been taught throughout their life or to challenge the 'comfortable' life which they enjoy.

Many seem to be 'hooked' on certain aspects of the current paradigm which, in turn, elicits a 'fight or flight' response when brought into question. This, I believe, is programmed. For there can be no other explanation for seemingly innocuous (at a personal level) conversation which may delve into global issues, to bring out reactions such as insult and rage from people of varying demographics.

This blocks conversation which could be used to identify existing problems within our social constructs and makes sure that no solutions are to be discussed unless provided, 'prepackaged' for by a 'reputable' source (Government). In other words - "let the masters take care of things, it's above my pay grade". What 'hooks' people into this paradigm of servitude?

Below are some questions I have asked myself on what could 'hook' me to a system, so I thought I may as well ask you. As you read through, remember that these 'Keywords' are not necessarily 'Good' or 'Bad', they are just what they are and not not place too much emphasis on the immediate 'Programmed Response'.

Is it the 'Immigrants' which have you hooked?

Is it the 'Terrorists' which have you hooked?

Is it the 'Racism' which has you hooked?

Is it the 'Feminism' which has you hooked?

Is it 'Crime' (victim-less or otherwise) which has you hooked?

Is it 'Climate Change', 'Economy', 'Borders', 'Jobs', 'Over-Population', 'Security', WAR?

Is it 'Scarcity' which has you hooked? - It seems to me that there is no lack of food when one factors in things like the rotting of grains in silos, over consumption and outright waste to name a few. So I have a difficult time understanding the math which leads to 'Global Shortage'. And that is just one example of the 'Scarcity' hook, I am sure that you can think of more.

Perhaps it is closer to home; is it your 'Children's Education' which has you hooked?

Is it rising age and 'Health Care' which has you hooked?

Is it the 'Mortgage' on your house which has you hooked?

Are you hooked on 'Sports', 'Food', 'Alcohol', 'Insurance', 'Technology', 'Status', 'Competition', 'T.V.'?

Is it the 'Celebrities', 'Porn', 'Police', 'Punishment', 'Debt' which has you hooked?

Perhaps 'Money' is your hook? - Interesting how there is never money to build a society up but always plenty to tear it down.

Maybe just being 'Normal' is your hook.

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Perhaps the vast majority are just hooked on being saved; are we collectively "Holding out for a hero"?

This Human Story which some would call 'Normal' and which we are currently living, has many hooks which tie us to it and keeps us from seeing and discussing the fact that it all needs to CHANGE.

Hooks come in many forms and can be based in such things as 'Guilt', 'Shame', 'Duty', 'Patriotism', 'Responsibilities', 'Division', 'Obedience', FEAR on one level or another and can manifest as "That's just the way things are" and "What can I do?".

Which hooks are yours? Which elicit an 'Emotional Response'? Which do you claim as your own yet is observable throughout a great majority of the population when their tenets are challenged? Which TIE you to this SLAVE SYSTEM to the point where you find yourself defending and justifying it automatically with sometimes illogical responses? Which keep you from engaging in meaningful conversation and rather holds you to a state of debate until the belligerence sets in?

If the reactions and responses which I have endured over the course of simply wanting to have a Conversation (which should not include competition and emotion) are deemed 'Normal' today, I want no part of normality.

Every generation which does not do anything to fix the problems, leaves it for the next generation until they get weary and the cycle repeats until no one remembers what freedom might be and no one opposes their slavery. How many generations are left? Do you realize that future generations will not know what it is like to drive or a world without surveillance?

One must release the hooks, one by one if necessary, to get to the beginning of understanding who you are and that is a FREE being. No one OWNS you, so there is no need to CONFORM to the NORMS. Just live freely without harming present and future generations should be simple enough rather than always having to ask 'Permission' to live your LIFE.

Tear out gashes of your life and of the system but don't do it alone as there is power in numbers. Families, groups, communities coming together for tax strikes and the like would be a nice beginning.

Community used to come together for 'Fixing Roads' or renovating a 'School' and things like community gardens, farmers markets, and it was not about control over PEOPLE and THEIR land or maximum PROFIT. For these were FREE INDIVIDUALS which thrived in their 'Communities' which lived a more symbiotic life with each other.

Now, we tear down what individuals build for the community if it did not go through 'Proper channels'. Is that really what we want to leave for the generations to come?

The quickening is coming as 5G is just around the corner. What will it bring? Do you think it will be anything good? Do you think that it will help to FREE the human population?

CHANGE is indeed coming - I just don't think we are going to like it. Just remember that nothing happens without the consensus approval of the masses. ACQUIESCENCE will be humanity's downfall. Government is not there to save you, it is there to enslave you.

As Mark Passio succinctly points out:  "If you are PRO GOVERNMENT, you are PRO SLAVERY; support for one is support for the other."